Tips for spit-roasting

If you want to make a great impression with your table companions, here you will find an excellent guide to prepare impeccable spit-roasted meat!
One of the most classic methods of cooking meat is spit roasting, which is used for roasting larger meat cuts or whole animals

For example, it is possible to roast piglets, , typical of Sardinian cuisine, but not only, or a traditional spit-roasted chicken.
Lo spiedo viene utilizzato anche per cuocere alla perfezione carni miste, porchette, pesce, vitello cosci d’agnello, conigli e lepri, costine, piccoli uccelli, patate e verdura.
La tecnica di cottura è la seguente: la carne viene infilzata in uno spiedo che viene posizionato vicino al fuoco e fatto ruotare lentamente.
L’irraggiamento di calore permette la cottura del cibo anche senza il contatto diretto con la fiamma.

All types of meat are suitable to be cooked on a spit. It is essential to cook them in the right way and at the right cooking time.
Red meat needs to be cooked quickly on the surface and placed close to the flame to allow the outer crust to form and, at the same time, keep the flesh tender and succulent.
White meats, on the other hand, require a slower cooking and should be kept further away from the flame to allow a perfect cooking on the inside.
During spit-roasting, meat is directly exposed to the heat of the flame and risks therefore to dry out. To avoid this problem, it is important to pay attention to the moisture content of the meat. To do so a drip pan must be placed at the base of the spit to collect the juices lost during cooking, which will then be brushed over the meat from time to time (without greasing it too much) to keep it constantly greasy.
The meat should be salted halfway through cooking.

Another very important part is the position of the meat on the spit. Optimum cooking is achieved by cutting it into small pieces that are placed evenly and slightly apart to facilitate cooking on all sides.
Different types of meat can also be cooked on the same spit as long as they have similar cooking times. There are special equipments for cooking skewers.
It is not easy to determine the cooking time for spit-roasted meat as it depends on the type of meat, but also on personal taste. A food thermometer can be used to determine the right cooking time, as it allows the internal temperature of the food to be measured.
Chicken can be considered cooked when it reaches approximately 75°C, veal 60°C and beef 60°C. The temperature of lamb, on the other hand, can range from 65°C to 80°C.
To cook your food on a spit, try our rotisseries and share your experience with us by sending us some pictures!
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